Hints to Make Education & Homework Engaging

Homework is the most undesirable aspect of learning for most students. No matter the age, the approach of the teacher when it comes to homework matters. Students are usually motivated to learn if they know that their effort to do their homework will help them enjoy classroom learning more. Teachers need to know how to make homework more engaging for students to understand the importance of homework. Some tips will make you keep your students engaged and happy with the learning process.

Engaging the students’ brains

It is essential to plan homework tasks that suit your students’ needs at their current age. For a toddler, homework should focus on building recognition to enhance numeracy skills and literacy levels. Adolescents being more independent influence the shifting to rote memorization. Usually, the reading and learning process should solve problems, investigate a phenomenon, write a report, comprehend, and revise.

The design of homework tasks for the young kids will need to be different based on the maturity levels. When giving homework, the best approach should ensure it engages their minds in creating solutions to problems and engaging them in class activities.

Using online learning games

Different students have different skills. Over time, it may be challenging to give homework to your students based on their skill set. With such an instance, online learning games come in handy. Online games help the student to build a foundation for knowledge in the early years of schooling. You can use online learning games when giving homework tasks to your students to help them learn procedures and gain factual knowledge on their own, reducing the teacher’s workload. Students can easily understand concepts and apply lessons learnt without much effort from the teacher.

Online games build the skills of your students automatically and at just the right pace based on their capabilities. Ensure that the online games are well designed in evaluating the abilities of each student. They can learn the name of rivers or cities through games, learn a new language, or the mathematical tables.

It is critical to note that computer-based learning cannot fully replace class teaching. Teachers create an interactive learning environment that helps students develop conceptual understanding throughout their studying experience.

Creating homework that students find enjoyable

Students enjoy homework that in the case where they know their effort in handling the homework task will promote their class participation. The homework should be relevant to their coursework to ensure more motivation.

Homework should be designed to involve them in the learning process. For instance, if students learn how to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle in class, a good choice of homework task will involve getting them to calculate the perimeter of their room at home. Such an approach will keep them engaged and having fun while learning.

Reasonable time-frame for homework tasks

How much time should be spent on homework each night? Depending on the age of your student, avoid time-consuming tasks. Having breaks between tasks makes a student remain engaged in learning, and it may make them not mind spending some extra time after school to go over homework tasks. The skill-building online games should be timed to ensure a balance in all learning aspects.


Any form of homework needs to be designed to ensure students are motivated to learn and participate in class. Make learning very interactive to the point that they will take positively any task meant for them to reason on your own or research just a little bit deeper. Remember the age of your students will determine the content and bulk of information you give to them. Therefore, focus on building the skills of your students and not just on completing the course work.


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